falling in love, again.
you might be sitting across a table, exchanging nervous glances and thousand-watt grins, on your first excursion back into dating after a hard break-up … or maybe you’re having your fingers bathed in puppy breath, staring into the begging eyes that...
at long last, tears of joy. a tiny new one whose name was chosen because it means “my joy is found.” welcome to the world: Bayo Shalom Drake Beasley born June 22, 2011 at 12:32 am 8 pounds, 6 ounces of pure muscle 20 inches loved a sweet...
the not knowing …
photo credit here so if you’ve seen our Sonya lately, you know that what once was a tiny secret is now a great place to rest her morning chai. a baby will be born – this very week, if doctor’s predictions are to be believed – and i, for one, am...
beauty wins
photo credit here if not for my bad attitude, i wouldn’t have noticed … i was doing the passenger-seat-pout, a pose you married folk (or surly teenagers) might know well. it typically involves an argument, the remnant of which is still hovering, like...
all we need …
photo credit here … is a mustard seed. He will take care of the rest.
God’s tattoos
photo credit here this is not a post about Christian hipster culture. my aim here is not to make God cool or trendy. He is content with omnipotence, i’d say. nevertheless, the prophet Isaiah asserts that the Almighty does, in fact, have a...
what’s your story?
photo credit here "i had always felt life first as a story: and if there is a story there is a story-teller." G.K. Chesterton through the hard chapters and the ones that explode off the page with gratitude, remind yourself that He who writes the story has...
on loving your peeps
photo credit here sometimes, you learn the hard way. and so i’ll share, what i know now, with scraped knees – this kernel that i keep chewing, back of my mouth, about grieving and living and what it means to live with, not just alongside. i lost...
more to love
photo credit here it’s a catch phrase we use – with a wink and a smile – when we’ve put on a couple of pounds. pair it with an elbow bounced against husband’s ribs and a playful swing of the hips and you get the picture. but what if those pounds aren’t...
the post where i just say it. out loud.
photo credit here i’m a wannabe writer. i let Flannery O’ Connor short stories wash over me, attention wrapt to audiobook while i scrub dishes in the sink. i keep C.S. Lewis on the bedside table, in the very same place (and for much the same...