photo credit here One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts. On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. (v.4-5) Push the right buttons, and you’ll see me display my grandfather’s temper. Put me in a sticky...
photo credit here so if you’ve seen our Sonya lately, you know that what once was a tiny secret is now a great place to rest her morning chai. a baby will be born – this very week, if doctor’s predictions are to be believed – and i, for one, am completely wrecked not knowing if it...
this time of year makes philosophers of us all. we wake fresh from the long sleep of Christmas gluttony to find that the calendar flapping forward to new year has given us pause — has rendered us contemplative, pondering months past and wondering how we might resolution our way into old...
And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. Matthew 2: 9b-10 they were late to the party. not late as in fashionably — late as in late. as...
Don’t let the long face fool you — the boy loves his Livi three letters: I R L. begging your patience this week as i pause posts here to enjoy time with my soul-friends in real life. miss livi and my Beckham have played long, he chasing her shadow with smile wide, she...
from the chair where I sit, I see his face. not “see his face” in the sense of it being etched in my mind, in the way that it has been carved into my daily consciousness since his spirit flew heavenward, but “see his face” in a very literal way – staring back at me from the photo frames that have...
Drason, a father who carries — and is carried, too. i remember the day that little livi was born. four of our besties, Sonya and myself included, were preggers at the same time. we rubbed bellies, shared maternity clothes, and told sweet lies to each other, things like “no, your face...
This post was written after a conversation with Sonya, when I asked her to describe what she’d felt that day, the morning of Bane’s celebration. Anyone who knows Sonya knows that she speaks raw and real, but I don’t think even she was prepared for the way this story ends...
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